AGENDA – AWWCA BOARD MEETING – Monday, October 7th, 2019

Monday, October 7th, 2019  –  St. George’s Church / 134 Emerson St.

Call to Order: 7 p.m. Ira Rosen, president

Recording Secretary: Ken Moyle

Quorum: Five



Agenda Items:

  1. Police Report: Sgt. Darren Murphy
  2. Councillor: Maureen Wilson / Mary Louise Pigott
  3. MSU: Ryan Tse, Associate Vice-President, Municipal Affairs
  4. Westdale BIA: Tracy MacKinnon
  5. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
  6. Debriefing of AGM (IR)
  7. MotoSocial/Grain & Grit incident in Ainsley Wood (SR & IR)
  8. Nomination and Election of David Hitchcock,  Ken Moyle and Kareen Bouwman to Interim Positions.
  9. Upcoming hearing re. Traymore/Main residence 
  10. OktoberWest  – AWWCA Booth? (TM)
  11. Concerned Residents of Westdale (CROW) Meeting – October 10, 2019
  12. Community Cleanup Needed in Westdale – Resident Complaint 
  13. Unsolicited advertisements/flyers in plastic – Resident Complaint
  14. Parking Enforcement in Westdale – Resident Complaint
  15. Donation to St. George’s Church
  16. FOCO – 2020 (IR)
  17. Upcoming AWWCA Developments (IR)

New Business:

Treasurer’s Report:

Membership Secretary’s Report:

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Carolyn Kinsley

Committee Reports:

  1. PACCR – Not until February 2020
  2. TGAO – ?
  3. SAC (Superintendent Advisory Committee)                     

Next Meeting: Monday, November 4th, 2019


Corresponding Secretary’s Report (CK):

9.3   Betty Bechtel forwarded Gord Arbeau’s reply to her about safety concerns in Ainslie Wood North

9.9  Gord Arbeau confirmed his and Mary Williams’ attendance at our AGM

9.10 Betty Forwarded the city’s response re lack of parking enforcement in Ainslie Wood North

9.10  Scott Innes wrote to our Ward 1 councillor re sidewalk snow clearing

9.20  Ira forwarded to the board emails about partying on Ewen Road 9/19

9.20  McMaster sent out Neighbourhood News (limited circulation) about the fake homecoming party on 9.21, plus McMaster’s off-campus code of conduct

9.21 Two emails from Betty about partying in her area, AWN

9.21 Ken Moyle’s reply to Betty with the partying he was seeing in Westdale South

9.29 Two agenda items from Renate Manthei—garbage, flyers