20th annual AGM – Agenda

Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association
20th​ ​Annual​ ​General​ ​Meeting

Monday, ​September​ ​17, ​2018

McMaster Innovation Park
​​175 Longwood Road South
free parking next to the building after 6 p.m.

6:00 Registration for Members

A representative of the Hamilton Police Service will be on hand

Theme: Future Developments in Ainslie Wood and Westdale

7:00 Welcome and Introduction of the Agenda (President Ira Rosen)

7:05 Sandy Shaw, MPP

7:15 Aidan Johnson, Ward 1 Councillor

7:25 City of Hamilton Representatives
Trevor Horzenlenberg (Light Rail Transit)
Shannon McKie (Planning)

7:45 Q & A

8:00 Break, Membership Renewal or Purchase

8:15 McMaster University Representatives
Gord Arbeau (Director, Communications)
Roger Couldrey (Vice-president, Communications)
Mary Williams (Vice-president, University Advancement)

8:30 Q & A

8:45 AWWCA Business
President’s Report (Ira Rosen)
Treasurer’s Report (Julie Twyford)
Membership Secretary’s Report (Kevin Russell)
Presentation of 2017 AGM Minutes for Approval (Carolyn Kinsley)

Thank you to McMaster University for the Use of McMaster Innovation Park