Published: July 08, 2008
To AWWCA Members:
Many of you are aware of a proposal by Hamilton Health Sciences to consolidate medical care. Part of this plan includes the closure of the McMaster Hospital emergency department to adults.
As reported in the spring issue of Neighbourhood News & Views, an online poll at reported that 90 per cent of the 97 respondents would like the AWWCA to establish a fact-finding committee. On that basis the ABC (access to best care) committee was formed in March to review the pros and cons of the proposal. The Access to Best Care Committee (ABCC) has now completed its review and has submitted its report to the AWWCA board.
A decision was made at the AWWCA’s July 7 board meeting to make this report a public document to act as a catalyst for further discussions. The report can be accessed on our website
We would like to recognize the excellent work done by the ABC Committee, chaired by AWWCA member Dr. Ken Ockenden, and consisting of AWWCA members Betty Bechtel, Jeanne Bernard, Dr. Ana Campos, Dr. Lennox Huang, Dr. Roman March, Dr. Mark Nagler, Diane Peacock, and Rob Payne.
We encourage you provide any feedback on this issue. It is a living document, and as we receive feedback from members, we will update it. Respond to the ABCC’s communications contact, Rob Payne, at
John Wigle, President
Author: John Wigle
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