Below you can find the AWWCA membership-application form (both for becoming a Member of the AWWCA, and for becoming a Friend of the AWWCA).
Membership is available to all individuals who fulfil the following criteria:
- They are at least 18 years of age.
- They reside in one of the following neighbourhoods: Ainslie Wood, Ainslie Wood East, Ainslie Wood West, Ainslie Wood North, Westdale South or Westdale North.
- They agree with the mission statement of the AWWCA (see below) as stated in our Constitution.
- They have paid the annual membership fee.
Friends of the AWWCA:
- An individual who does not meet the criteria of 1, 2 and 3 above may apply to be a Friend of the AWWCA. The Board of Directors may approve such applications if it considers the applicant will support the aims and objectives of the Association as outlined in the AWWCA’s mission statement.
- Friends of the AWWCA pay the same fee as full members.
- Friends of the AWWCA receive the newsletter and may be on the Association’s e-mail list.
- Friends of the AWWCA have no voting rights.
Membership Form:
Completed form and payment may be delivered to
1063 King Street West Suite 221 Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4S3
Mission Statement from our Constitution
- To preserve, protect and enhance the Ainslie Wood/Westdale community environment and the quality of life for all residents.
- To provide a forum and a structure to organize, communicate, lobby and pursue the needs of the members of the Association.
- To represent and advocate the interests of the Association to municipal or other governments, institutions or individuals wherever necessary and possible.
- To enhance communication between Association members and other groups regarding issues that affect the Association’s neighbourhoods.
- To communicate with other neighbourhood organizations within the City of Hamilton and other municipal jurisdictions as warranted.