PIC Notice for Pedestrian Mobility Master Plan

The City of Hamilton has initiated the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Process for the Pedestrian Mobility Master Plan. This plan will establish a 20 year (2031) framework to improve the pedestrian mobility environment in the City of Hamilton. The goal is to provide pedestrian environments that are safe, attractive, and accessible and provide access to community institutions, employment and retail services. The plan seeks to achieve the pedestrian goals and objectives of the City’s Transportation Master Plan and new Official Plan. Mobility is intended to refer to all modes of walking, running, scooters, wheelchairs, and walkers. The term is inclusive to all.

The master plan study will follow Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (June 2000, as amended in October 2007).

A series of Public Information Centres (PIC) will be held throughout the City on different days to gather public input on the problems and opportunities associated with the existing pedestrian mobility environment. Each of the PIC’s will be providing the same information.

Please see the attachments for details and times.

AuthorCity of Hamilton

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