Free Public Lecture Series – The 13th John Rae Lecture — The South Pole Expedition for Kids — Peter Turkstra


Each meeting will be held on a Saturday evening, starting at 8 p.m. with the President’s Welcome and introduction of the evening’s speaker. The latter’s presentation will end around 9 p.m., after which members of the audience are invited to put questions to the speaker. The meeting will normally conclude about 9:15 or 9:20 p.m.


Each lecture will be held in room 1A1 of the Ewart Angus Centre (EAC).

The EAC is in the north-west corner (rear) of the huge, multi-storey McMaster University Medical Centre (MUMC), also known more formally as the McMaster Site of the Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation.

Signs will be posted in both Centres. Please note:
if you enter the Medical Centre via the rear doors on University Crescent, you are in the Ewart Angus Centre, which is part of the purple area of the Medical Centre. Room 1A1 is at the end of the short corridor on your left off the main lobby of the EAC, immediately before the staircase.

if you enter the Medical Centre via the front (main) doors, you are on the Hospital’s second floor. Take the red elevators or the adjacent staircase to the first floor and walk to the purple area at the rear (north-west corner) of the building. Walk past the purple elevators into the open area beyond (the lobby of the Ewart Angus Centre). Walk to the left of and under the staircase and you’ll see a short corridor. Room 1A1 is on your right at the end of that corridor. You can’t miss it!

If approaching the Ewart Angus Centre from the McMaster campus enter via the doors that exit on to University Avenue.


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