Dear members of the McMaster community:
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to take part in an exciting new initiative. The McMaster Seminar on Higher Education: Practice, Policy, and Public Life, is an annual lecture series that has been established to encourage dialogue and inspire critical thought within the McMaster and the broader Hamilton communities. This year, the series is a collaboration between the Office of the President, the Centre for Leadership in Learning (CLL) and the Public Intellectuals Project. We will be presenting five speakers, starting in November, 2011 and culminating in April, 2012. Full details regarding the first lecture, which will take place on Monday, November 21, are available at
It is intended that the topics considered during the lecture series will be timely, interdisciplinary, and far-reaching, guided by the key questions and challenges facing higher education institutions and the communities they serve. In considering and challenging current paradigms, the series will be both thought-provoking and imaginative. It will emphasize the importance to the academy, and to society as a whole, of thinking critically and engaging in meaningful discussion of challenging issues. The series is intended to be of relevance for a wide audience and all members of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend. I invite you to participate.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Deane