Monthly Archives: April 2013

Teaching Gardens, 2013 Season Work Party Dates

The Plant Lover’s Garden is looking 100 per cent better already, but there is still much work to be done, including repairing the surrounding cedar fencing. We need your help to restore and maintain this wonderful community asset.  We will … Continue reading

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The AWWCA’s Annual Neighbourhood Spring Cleanup

The Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association of Resident Homeowners is having its annual spring cleanup of our residential streets, after the students have moved out.  Please join us with your family and friends. I will soon be announcing meeting locations to … Continue reading

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Churchill Lawn Bowling Clubhouse – Let’s Talk

City of Hamilton Recreation and Councillor Brian McHattie invite you to join us to discuss operational possibilities of the Churchill Lawn Bowling Clubhouse in Churchill Park. The Churchill Lawn Bowling Clubhouse has been underutilized since 2008 and we want your … Continue reading

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Making The Change From High School to University Or College – Are You Ready?

Westdale Secondary School Mental Health Action Team invites parents and students to kick off Mental Health Week with speaker Dr. Nathan Cooper, Psychologist, Student Wellness, of McMaster University.

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Film Lovers’ Night presents: The Last Brick Maker in America

Lovers’ Night presents: The Last Brick Maker in America starring Sidney Poitier Food donation.

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Tapping the Hidden Job Market

A free workshop for job hunters by expert recruiter David Corsini. No cost.

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Jammin’ For Jonny

A Jam Band Concert featuring local talent. Tickets $5 at the door.

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The Fishers of Paradise – Bryan Prince Bookseller

  Rachael Preston is a former resident of Hamilton now residing in British Columbia.  Her new novel The Fishers of Paradise is set right here in Hamilton at Princess Point. RVSP to (905) 528-4508 or Space is limited           … Continue reading

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Binkley United Church – Rummage, garage, and bake sale

Used clothing, books, household items, fresh baking, and more.  For more information:  Binkley Church, 905-529-0740.

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Missa Gaia Earth Mass Concert

Announcing….. An Earth Day celebration event at Westdale United, Hamilton ON, sponsored by Westdale congregation and supported by Greening Sacred Spaces. A MUSICAL CELEBRATION OF CREATION Missa Gaia/Earth Day Mass Concert Sunday evening, April 21, 7pm Westdale United Church 99 … Continue reading

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