McMaster and the Westdale Village BIA will hold the inaugural Homecoming Street Festival in Westdale Village on Saturday, September 15h starting at 10 am.
The street fest will feature live music and a DJ, along with free give-a-ways from McMaster Athletics, MSU Campus Events and the McMaster Alumni Association. In addition, the street will be lined with tents offering students goodies and samples from a host of vendors.
Licensed patios will be open up and down the street, and multiple themed photo booths will be on site.
There will be live music at stages at King @ Sterling (in front of Westdale Cupcakes) and King @ North Oval (in front of Judy Marsales):
- 11-3pm Midtown
- 12-4pm Bill Craig
- 1-4pm Avery Raquel
This is also the first year in which Homecoming has been scheduled to coincide with SuperCrawl, so we may well see a very different pattern of festivities than in past years.