RBG taking Christmas trees to build new Chedoke polution barrier

The Royal Botanical Gardens are looking for ca. 1,300 Christmas trees to construct a rampart to help block the flow of pollution into the marsh.

RBG worker Kyle Mataya builds a berm out of discarded Christmas trees at Princess Point in west Hamilton last January. With heightened awareness of sewage in Chedoke Creek this winter, officials are stepping up efforts to use trees as a barrier to help keep contamination from spreading into Cootes Paradise. – Barry Gray , The Hamilton Spectator file photo

The RBG is looking for an additional 1,500 trees for extending the Grindstone Creek barrier, which helps to control carp.

Trees can be dropped off until Tuesday, January 13 at Princess Point for the Chedoke Creek barrier or at Valley Inn Road just off Spring Gardens Road for the Grindstone Creek barrier. Signs will be posted at each site about details.

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