Longwood Road – Environmental Assessment (EA) Public Meeting (PIC)

The City of Hamilton has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Longwood Road (between Main West and Aberdeen Ave.) to address the long term needs. The long term needs identified in the 2006 Kirkendall Transportation Study were to provide a 4-lane cross-section on Longwood Road, with the provision of sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides, and to provide a 3-lane cross section on the Longwood Road Bridge over Highway 403.

This EA will confirm or revise the need and justification for improvements to Longwood Road within the study area, and will review alternatives, such as a conventional intersection or roundabout for the Longwood Road and Aberdeen Road intersection, alternatives over Highway 403, and alternatives for pedestrians and cyclists.

The purpose of this study is to develop and assess design alternatives that address the identified transportation issues for this road.

This PIC is to review the project and present the preferred design alternatives.

See http://www.brianmchattie.ca/download.php?id=174 for the notice and study area map.

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