B-Line Corridor Land Use Study Design Workshop Public Presentation –
Longwood Road and Main Street West Study Area
What should new development along the B-line corridor look like? How should it relate to existing neigbourhoods?oHow
The City of Hamilton is undertaking a land use planning process along the B-Line Corridor from McMaster to Eastgate Square in conjunction with planning, engineering and design studies for a Light Rail Transit (LRT) system.
Citizens and local architects will be working together over the next few weeks to create visions of possible future development along the B-Line corridor. They will be developing six conceptual designs for buildings and public areas at six select locations along the corridor, two in Ward 1.
You are invited to view the designs, learn about how they relate to the surrounding neighbourhood and to provide comments.
The results of this process, including your comments, will inform new polices on uses, building heights, densities and urban design elements.
The conceptual designs will also be available on the project website – – for your review and comment until July 22, 2011.
If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in these events, please contact the employee outlined in the Contact section below. Advance requests are highly encouraged to enable us to meet your needs adequately.
Information collected through this process is collected under the authority of the Planning Act , R.S.O. 1990, c. p. 13. All comments and opinions submitted to the city of Hamilton on this matter, including name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions, will become part of the public record and will be made available to the general public.
Ken Coit
Phone: (905) 546-2424 Ext 1220
Christine Newbold
Phone: (905) 546 2424 Ext 1279
Nodes and Corridors Planning Team
Strategic Services and Special Projects Division
Planning and Economic Development Department