The Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art presents “Insects of a Honduran Cloud Forest” with Marvin Gunderman

The Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art presents “Insects of a Honduran Cloud Forest” with Marvin Gunderman.
About 70 per cent of the described species on earth fall into one category or phyllum, Arthropoda–invertebrates such as insects, spiders, and crustaceans, which have tough exoskeletons, segmented bodies, and jointed limbs.  Insects alone account for more than one million different species.  Most of these fascinating creatures are found in tropical ecosystems all over the world.
This illustrated talk focuses on the cloud forests of Central America, where our speaker, the recognized Bug-Man of McMaster, has conducted research with students–and cameras–during a two-week ecology course in Cusuco National Park in Honduras.  The diversity of arthropods they encountered and the challenges of the extreme cloud forest environment provide fodder fo the Bug-Man’s tales, descriptions, and personal anecdotes.
Marvin Gunderman, instructor and curator of entomology in McMaster’s biology deparmtne for 24 years, teaches an insect field course and insect modules in ecology, biodiverstiy, and evolution.
Free, but voluntary memberships and donations are gratefully accepted, and tax receipts will be provided.  Contacts:, , 905-521-9438.

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