The AWWCA’s 18th Annual General Meeting

The AWWCA’s annual general meeting will be Monday, Sept. 26, at Adas Israel Synagogue, 125 Cline Ave. South. There is free parking on the premises.

5:30-6:30 p.m.: Registration and membership renewals if due
A representative of the Hamilton Police Service will be present if you have any questions or concerns

6:30 p.m.: Guest Speakers

  • Brief reports from
    • Ward 1 Councillor Aidan Johnson
    • Balie Tomar, Director, SCSN, McMaster Students Union
    • McMaster’s Director of Communications Gord Arbeau

Main topic: Light-Rail Transit and Transit within Hamilton and the AWWCA Area

  • Andrew Hope, director, Hamilton LRT at Metrolinx
  • Trevor Horzelenberg, manager, LRT for the City of Hamilton

Brief intermission

Question and answer period

AWWCA business: reports from the president, treasurer, and membership secretary; approval of last year’s minutes; any other business that may arise

The meeting will be over by 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.

Feel free to invite neighbours, newcomers, and friends.

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