The AWWCA’s annual general meeting will be Monday, Sept. 26, at Adas Israel Synagogue, 125 Cline Ave. South. There is free parking on the premises.
5:30-6:30 p.m.: Registration and membership renewals if due
A representative of the Hamilton Police Service will be present if you have any questions or concerns
6:30 p.m.: Guest Speakers
- Brief reports from
- Ward 1 Councillor Aidan Johnson
- Balie Tomar, Director, SCSN, McMaster Students Union
- McMaster’s Director of Communications Gord Arbeau
Main topic: Light-Rail Transit and Transit within Hamilton and the AWWCA Area
- Andrew Hope, director, Hamilton LRT at Metrolinx
- Trevor Horzelenberg, manager, LRT for the City of Hamilton
Brief intermission
Question and answer period
AWWCA business: reports from the president, treasurer, and membership secretary; approval of last year’s minutes; any other business that may arise
The meeting will be over by 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.
Feel free to invite neighbours, newcomers, and friends.