Meetings, agendas, minutes

Monthly board meetings

google calendar

AWWCA meetings on google calendar

The board of directors of the AWWCA meets once a month (excepting August), generally on the first Monday (but not on civic or major religious holidays).

Members are welcome to attend, but we would ask that you please contact the board vice-president ahead of time.

2019/2020 meeting schedule

(exceptions to first-Mondays in italics)

  • Monday, September 8th, 2019
  • Monday, October 7th
  • Monday, November 4th
  • Monday, January 6th, 2020
  • Monday, February 3rd
  • Monday, March 2nd
  • Monday, April 6th – CANCELLED
  • Monday, May 4th
  • Monday, June 1st
  • Monday, July 13th
  • Monday, September 14th

Annual general meetings

We hold our annual general meetings in September each year, featuring a special event or speaker in addition to taking care of association business. The date, time and site are announced in the Summer.

Agendas, minutes and reports

We aim to post records of all of our monthly board and annual general meetings.  Records/minutes are posted as volunteer time permits.




  • 2018 AGM (20th):
  • Monthly board meetings (newest to oldest)
    • September: agenda, minutes
    • August: no meeting
    • July: agenda, minutes
    • June: agenda, minutes
    • May: agenda, minutes
    • April: agenda, minutes
    • March: agenda, minutes
    • February: agenda, minutes
    • January: agenda, minutes
    • December: agenda, minutes
    • November: agenda, minutes
    • October: agenda, minutes

Previous years’ AGMs

Minutes of previous years’ board meetings