The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board is about to begin a review of how best to accommodate students in elementary schools within the Dalewood Review area, which includes George R. Allan, Dalewood, and Prince Philip elementary schools. An ARC is a community group that looks at the future of a school or group of schools and provides a recommendation to the school board in its decision-making. The final decision occurs after the full involvement of an informed community. The decision must be based on a broad range of criteria focused on the learning experience for students. The Dalewood Review Area will begin its work on April 6, 2011 and a final report will be presented Oct. 28, 2011.
Public Consultation is at the heart of the accommodation review process. In addition to a number of working, the ARC will hold at least four public meetings and these are open to the public. ARC members include principals, teachers, parents, students, and community members. An ARC may recommend a school closure; however, no HWDSB school in the Elementary Accommodation Review has been identified for closure at this time.
Learn more about the Elementary Accommodation Review, including meeting dates, at
Author: Hamilton-Wentworth School Board