Churchill Lawn Bowling Clubhouse

[Update 2019/05/07: see more current booking information in this post.]

The City of Hamilton has controlled rentals and operations of the Churchill Lawn Bowling Clubhouse since 2008 with the unfortunate dismantling of the Lawn Bowling Club. This rental process has gone directly through Dalewood Recreation Centre but will no longer.

Booking of this facility will now go directly through the City’s facility bookings department located on the 3rd Floor of the Lister Block Building (28 James St. N). Anyone interested in renting the facility can come directly to the Recreation Department to pick up a Facility Rental Application Form or they can find a copy of the application form on our website at the following link:

Pick up of the keys for the clubhouse will also now go through the Facility Bookings Department and can be picked up on the 3rd Floor of the Lister Block Building. Keys are available for pick up from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Upon picking up keys renters will be required to place a $20.00 deposit for the key that will be returned to them upon the key being returned. There is also a very basic small form for them to fill out and sign while picking up the key.

Important information to also consider about the club house is:

  • Kitchen is for warming and prepping only not full fledge cooking
  • Resident fee is $34.24 + tax. Please note that many facility bookings need to have proof of insurance. If unable to provide or do not have insurance City has 1 day insurance policies available to be purchased.
  • For any commercial rentals please refer them to the facility bookings direct line at 905-540-5590 and the appropriate fee will be determined
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